Maintaining Grades and Lots

Maintaining Grades


Responsibility: Inventory, Vision Operations USA

1.    Navigate to the Maintain Grades window.

  • (N) Setup > Grades

2.    (M) File > New

3.    Enter the following grade information.

  • Grade:        AVG
  • Description:    Average grade

4.    (M) File > Save

5.    (M) File > Close Form

Viewing Lot Genealogy

Responsibility: Inventory, Vision Operations USA

1.    (N) On-hand, Availability > Lots

2.    Select an item

3.    (B)View Genealogy

4.    (T) Lot Attributes

Instructor Note: Explain the Lot Attributes tab. This tab contains information about the lot.

5.    (T) Material Transactions

Instructor Note: Explain the Material Transactions tab. If you transacted this lot, then the transactions appear in this tab. You can also access the Grade /Status history as well as reservations and on-hand quantity.

6.    (T) Pending Txns and Allocations

Instructor Note: Explain the Pending Txns and Allocations tab. If there are any pending transactions or allocations for the lot, then you can view it on this tab. You can access the existing reservations and the on-hand quantity as well.

7.    (T) Products or (T) Components

Instructor Note: Explain the Product and Components tabs. If you are viewing the lot by source, then you can view the Lot components. If you are viewing where the lot is used, then you can view the lot products. You can view the product or information such as transaction information and work, batch, or work order details.

8.    (T) Quality Collections or (T) Quality Samples

Instructor Note: Explain the Quality Collections and Quality Samples tabs. If you are using Oracle Quality or Process Quality then you can view these tabs.

9.    (T) Lot Based Job Transactions

Instructor Note: Explain the Lot Based Job Transactions tab. If you have Oracle Shop Floor Management installed, then you can see the Lot Based Job Transactions tab. The Lot Based Job Transactions tab displays the Oracle Shop Floor Management transactions, such as splitting, merging, bonus lots, and updating assemblies. It displays the previous values for WIP Lot Name, Start Quantity, and Assembly Number, and the resulting values after the transaction.

10.    (M) File > Close Form


Generating Lots


Inventory, Vision Operations

1.    Navigate to the Master Item window.

  • (N) Items > Master Items

2.    Create an item with the following information:

  • Item:    lot_control_item
  • Description:    Lot control item

3.    (M) Tools > Copy From

  • Template:    Finished Good

4.    (B) Apply

5.    (B) Done

6.    (T) Inventory

7.    Enable the following Item Attributes:

  • Lot Expiration (Shelf Life):        Shelf Life Days
  • Shelf Life Days:                60
  • Retest Interval:                30
  • Expiration Action Interval:        10
  • Expiration Action:            DISP (Dispose)
  • Lot Control:                Full Control
  • Maturity Days:                15
  • Hold Days:                5
  • Grade Controlled:            Enabled
  • Default Grade:                A

8.    (B) Save

9.    (T) Organization Assignment

10.    Enable the item in the following organizations:

  • M1 Seattle Manufacturing
  • M2 Boston Manufacturing

11.    (B) Save

12.    (M) File > Close Form

13.    Navigate to the Lots window.

  • (N) On-hand, Availability > Lots

14.    (B) New

15.    Enter lot_control_item in the Item field.

16.    (B) Generate Lot

17.    (B) Save

18.    (M) File > Close Form

Oracle EBS R12 Inventory – Using the Lot Master

Generate Lots

Responsibility = Inventory, Vision Operations USA

1.    Navigate to the Item Lots window.

  • (N) On-hand, Availability > Lots

2.    (B) New

3.    Enter ##-Item04 in the Item field where ## represents your team number.

4.    Press Enter.

5.    (B) Generate Lot

6.    (M) File > Save

7.    (M) File > New

8.    Enter ##-Item05 in the Item field where ## represents your team number.

9.    Press Enter.


10.    (B) Generate Parent Lot, (then TAB to next field)

11.    (B) Generate Lot

12.    (M) File > Save

13.    (M) File > New

14.    Enter ##-Item06 in the Item field where ## represents your team number.

15.    Press Enter.

16.    (B) Generate Lot

17.    From where does the value in the Grade field default? ______________

18.    (M) File > Save

19.    (M) File > New

20.    Enter item ##-Item08 in the Item field where ## represents your team number.

21.    Press Enter.

22.    (B) Generate Lot

23.    Enter the current date in the Origination Date field.

  1. If desired, you can update information in the following fields:
  • Expiration Date
  • Expiration Action Date
  • Expiration Action Code
  • Expiration Retest Date

Note: The dates (and the Action Code) default from the item’s “Lot Expiration (Shelf Life)” attributes.

  1. (M) File > Save
  2. (M) File > Close Form

 Maintaining Lot Actions:

Responsibility = Inventory, Vision Operations

  1. Navigate to the Maintain Actions window.
  • (N) Setup > Action Codes
  1. (M) File > New
  2. Enter the following lot action information:
  • Action: DEST
  • Description: Destroy Item
  1. (M) File > Save
  2. (M) Close > Close Form