Error: “Recalculate Salary from the Components before applying the new salary proposal” while updating / Deleting Salary

If you are facing following Error: “Recalculate Salary from the Components before applying the new salary proposal”  while updating or deleting of salary of any employee. The solution could be following.


This issue is might be caused by data corruption (caused by loading salaries through api). Records in per_pay_proposals exists that have multiple_components = ‘Y’  although they do not have records in per_pay_proposal_components.


1. Ensure that you have taken a backup of per_pay_proposals before applying the recommended solution.

2. Run the following scripts.

Update per_pay_proposals set multiple_components=’N’ where pay_proposal_id in (
Select pay_proposal_id from per_pay_proposals ppp where multiple_components = ‘Y’ and not
exists (Select ‘X’ from per_pay_proposal_components comp where comp.pay_proposal_id =ppp.pay_proposal_id));

3. Once the scripts complete, confirm that the data is corrected.
You can use the following SQL to confirm (this is the original script you ran to identify the issue):

Select pay_proposal_id from per_pay_proposals ppp where multiple_components = ‘Y’ and not exists (Select ‘X’ from per_pay_proposal_components comp where comp.pay_proposal_id = ppp.pay_proposal_id) ;

4. If no rows are returned, issue a commit.

5. Confirm that you can now delete a Salary Proposal.